Monday, July 13, 2009

Your First Top 10

So this is your first Top 10. I know it can be scary to make changes in your life, but if you take it one "tensie" at a time you might actually surprise yourself. What I have done is compiled all that overwhelming information that exists from all sorts of sources, broken them down to their simplest factors, and created a short Top 10 list - I call it the "Tensies." If you simply implemented one tensie in your life you could not only make dramatic changes to your life, but also in the lives of all those who surround you. The idea is that once you have incorporated one tensie into your life you add another, then another, then get the idea. Eventually you have created a whole new lifestyle - one tensie at a time. Doesn't sound hard at all right?

Now, not every Top 10 will apply to you, however, they do all apply to someone. So if you see a tensie that you know someone you love needs to have in their life s
hare it with them. Encourage them to make those changes in their lives as well. This is how goodness becomes viral. It's the magic of being human and sharing experiences, knowledge, and love. It is like the concept of pay it forward. If you have created something wonderful in your life from something that was given to you, then pay it forward so the greatness spreads, wellness permeates communities, and happiness engrosses our culture. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD...or at least start with one tensie and be that change in yourself.

So whats the first tensie?

1. Subscribe to this blog and check in every week.
2. Share this blog and future Tensies with someone you love.
3. Check in with yourself and your loved ones and encourage them to stay connected - this is called Slipping and Checking - we all do it, but if we are held accountable we tend to st
ay focused.
4. Ask yourself, what is one area of my life I want to work on
5. Leave me comments with those areas/topics so that I can do the leg work for you.
6. Create a time of day where you are able to focus on YOU and what YOU need - it doesn't have to be long - 15 to 30 minutes a day is enough to begin to make those changes.

7. Stick with it.
8. Take it slow - you can't quit old habits cold turkey.
9. Post a reminder note somewhere that you look every single day - like your bathroom mirror or your computer screen at work, or your calendar.


So when you look at this first
tensie - all it's really saying, is make time and space in your current life for the changes you've always wanted to make - then find a way to remind yourself every single day, and then share it. That's it. This will be the hardest tensie for you to do.

You can find more information at:

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